Hi there everybody, I have loved music since I was a kid - initially mostly through listening to the chart show on the BBC and illegally recording my favourite tunes every week. It was a ritual when I was a kid at home for me and my brother to listen to the chart show every week, Sunday afternoon/evening on the BBC and from then our musical tastes expanded. Me and my brother both played in bands when we were younger but our passion was listening to music and going to see bands play. Together we saw the Police at Wembley, the Ramones at the Town and Country, Morrissey in Manchester, Ryan Adams at the Astoria, Beck at the Albert Hall, Tom Waits in Hammersmith and have seen all manner of bands at music festivals, especially Womad, ever since. Music has always been our connection and it has long been my connection to the people that I meet. I am looking forward to the rest of the journey.